
Tuesday, 14 November 2017

( Creative Writing )

Last week in Te Ngahere we were learning to write a creative structure writing based on reduce reuse recycle. I was learning to use Alliteration in my writing,

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
Walt: Alliteration
Plastic bags take over the whole landfill and if we Reduce, Recycle, Reuse it will be health for New Zealand and less plastic bags to kill sea animals. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse you can reuse things and also making things that you could or can make rather than buying and wasting money.  

Reducing, recycling and reusing is a good healthy way for New Zealand to become a cleaner and brighter place, for other people to come over and visit. Reusing is using things you don't want and not using it, now you can use it over and over again rather than buying more things or creating, making, or selling it for money. Recycling is most of the important things, because plastic bags have been killing lots of our sea animals, second other people litter and throw away their rubbish, thirdly it has lots of poisonous things it was made with. Reducing is using something or creating it into something else.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

_Persuasive Writing_

A few weeks ago in Te Ngahere we started writing about reduce, reuse, recycle. Our walt was to: Use the correct structure for persuasive writing, I had lots of information about it and lots in my persuasive writing. #

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
Walt: Alliteration
Plastic bags take over the whole landfill and if we Reduce, Recycle, Reuse it will be health for New Zealand and less plastic bags to kill sea animals. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse you can reuse things and also making things that you could or can make rather than buying and wasting money.  

Reducing, recycling and reusing is a good healthy way for New Zealand to become a cleaner and brighter place, for other people to come over and visit. Reusing is using things you don't want and not using it, now you can use it over and over again rather than buying more things or creating, making, or selling it for money. Recycling is most of the important things, because plastic bags have been killing lots of our sea animals, second other people litter and throw away their rubbish, thirdly it has lots of poisonous things it was made with. Reducing is using something or creating it into something else.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

" Visual Mihi "

This week in Te Ngahere we have been making a visual Mihi that helped me remember our early mihi. Our walt was to: understand a mihi, I created a google drawing a added photos of what it helped me remember of and words above it that helped me

Friday, 27 October 2017

( Writing Goals )

Last week in Te Ngahere we had to set three writing goals on our goals sheet. Our walt was to: identify our next learning goals in writing, My goals were Topic words , parentheses , commas.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Maths Goals

Last week in Te Ngahere, we had to set three maths goals, Our Walt was to Identify what we have achieved in maths and our next learning steps. I wanted to learn about how to do Negatives, Compensation from tidy numbers and Simple equivalent fraction because I didn't know anything about them and how to work out the strategies. I selected my goals from a stage 7 ICAN sheet.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Reading Reps Reflection)

A few weeks ago in Te Ngahere my yellow reading group task was called Reps. We had to create a presentation for our questions about what happened to a boy that became a rep. My Reading groups Walt was: To skim and scan the words to find out what we did not know and also to write a reflection about what we think the story was about.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

( Country Report Reflection )

This term in Te Ngahere we have been writing a chosen country report. Our WALT  was to: Write an informational report, First we had to choses one country to write about. My chosen country was Australia. Next we had chose 4 topic to write with our country report. I chose Sport, Houses, Animals, Money .

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

( Common, Proper nouns )

Last week in Te Ngahere, we have been learning to use proper nouns and common nouns in our writing. We started to create a google drawing to show the differences between common nouns and proper nouns. Before we started we had to connect together as buddies, Ocean and I used a famous person, a thing, and a place.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

( Reading Goals )

Last week Te Ngahere, Had to set 3 Reading goals
. Our walt was to Identify our next learning goals.
I selected my goals from off our reading goals sheet.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

( Maths Goals )

Last week in Te Ngahere we had to set three maths goals from off our Ikan sheet. Our WALT was to: Identify what we have to achieved in maths and our next learning steps, Also once we picked the three maths goals we had to create a google drawing and copied it onto it. Next I decorated it up when I was finished. Lastly our teacher printed it and hung it onto our wall.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

( Writing Goals )

Last week Te Ngahere had to choose and set 3 writing goals. Our Walt was to identify our next goals in writing.
We had to create a google drawing and copy our writing goals into it.

This will help us by learning better. This will also help us improve much more by knowing our goals and doing our best to achieve them.

Friday, 7 July 2017

(Student Led Conferences)

On Monday Te Ngahere made a google drawing of what we were learning to show our parents in Student Led Conferences. On my Google drawing I had Reading, Art, Inquiry. Why?  because I liked those subjects. I really enjoyed creating my learning with friends, I would love it if I could create another one the same.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

( Fidget Spinner )

A few weeks ago Te Ngahere and Te Maunga drew fidget spinners on a piece of paper. We had to drew a fidget spinner template and when we were finished we had to dye and color it in with crayon. We were learning to use space and crayon and dye

Monday, 26 June 2017

( Ice Cream making story )

On Friday Te Ngahere made some vanilla ice cream.  Te Ngahere got to make ice cream because we all got 100% out of our learning plans. Also we have been making a slideshow full of questions and answers about where, why and how were vanilla beans created. We had to write a recount I was learning to use Metaphors and similes.  

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Narrative Writing) Harley Quinn Story

            Narrative Writing
  1. Harley Quinn is a Fighter that is on suicide squad she is a top high actor
  2. Describe: Harley Quinn has blue,Red Hair harf side hairstyle, Also Harley Quinn is tall she wears leggings with shorts over the top. Harley Quinn shoes are black and white high shoes, All of her clothes are red and blue because that's her favorite color.

Once upon time there was a girl called Harley Quinn she lived in a scary scary house. All Harley Quinn did was just played outside. Harley Quinn went outside and meet some girls playing. So she ask them if they would like to play hiding go seek. They said yes sure I would like to play with you. So Harley Quinn said to them that she would be in. So she covered her eyes and counted to 10 seconds. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come. I walked all the way to find my new friends I looked everywhere around the house but not inside the house. I went to go open the door to look for them in my house.
All I could hear was my new friends screaming, I said what are all of you doing in here? Hahaha All I could see was a my new friends chasing a little tiny rat around my house. So that's what you call Harley Quinn. So all the girls and her, all made friends and a happily ever after the end.

Friday, 10 March 2017

My Tangelo

                        The Tangelo
The Tangelo felt hard, soft, bumpy and wrinkled with an orangery color. The Tangelo skin smelt sweet, smooth, strong and ripe. The Tangelo tasted nice, juicy and sweet. As I removed the peeling and took a bite the flesh squirted out and ran down my arms and I felt crushing in my mouth. I was focusing on how the tangelo felt like,taste,smelt,

Image result for TangeloI was learning about how my tangelo tasted like smelled like looked like. I did well on creating a slide and learning different nouns and I could  focus on making my descriptive writing more interesting.

Friday, 17 February 2017

That Was Summer By Aliyah

Date: 7/2/20171    
Image result for hot sun
( Remember)
Standing in the hot sun?
Your hair waving in front of your face.
Your bursting clothes swaying to side to side.
Your sticky hair attaching to your sweating neck
Standing in the hot sun.
Your body bursting hot from standing in the sun.
Your Shoes Bursting  like hot lava.

That was my Summer
I was learning to write a  interesting descriptive piece of summer writing. I was learning how to use interesting verbs in our own piece of writing. I think I can improve next time by putting new nouns in my writing.  I think I did well at describing standing in the hot sun. I enjoyed discovering  new adjectives.